Correggio Prepares Historic Host Role for European Under 17 Rink Hockey Championships

CORREGGIO (Reggio Emilia) - Correggio's "Dorando Pietri" Rink has been given a new appearance in preparation for the European Under 17s Rink Hockey championships. The main indoor facility is undergoing renovation, which includes maintenance of the structure's surface, installation of new lighting, refurbishment of the changing rooms, and other necessary improvements. These enhancements are essential to accommodate the upcoming double age group of the U17 Male & Female European Championship, scheduled to take place from August 27 to September 2. The Municipality of Correggio has invested approximately 50 thousand euros in these renovations, which commenced on July 7 and are expected to be completed by the first half of the following month.

Work is underway

This event holds great significance for the town, as it marks the return of a major competition after a five-year hiatus. The Male and Female European Championships will be held simultaneously for the Under 17 category. Notably, this will be the first time that national teams in this age group will have the opportunity to compete in an official continental tournament for Females hockey. The Women's European Championship will feature five teams: Italy, Portugal, England, France, and Germany.