NEW!! AZEMAD Eclipse Umbra - Light & Shadow


Umbra is a phenomenon of Eclipse that through the Light creates the Shadow. The Eclipse Umbra boots reflect these two elements. The White (Light) and Black (Shadow) versions, finished in leather, increase the equipment's durability and ease of maintenance. 

Light or Shadow - Choose your side!

Designed over a rigorous development process, only high quality and durable materials were considered. Double combination, smooth and perforated, of leather layers to ensure greater external resistance and better internal breathing, even in the most intense moments of the game.


Light or Shadow - Choose your side!

Contact us for prices at

CRHR Chairman Re-elected

The CRHR AGM was held in England virtually today, and was attended by a good number of referees from around the country. The current CRHR Chairman, Karl Wilson, was unanimously re-elected to continue on as CRHR Chairman.


The post lasts for one year, however, there is a proposal at the NRHA AGM being held tomorrow that would change the term to three years. If that passes his term will end at the 2023 CRHR AGM.

Congratulations Karl

RINKit now proud sponsors for England Rink Hockey

RINKit are proud to be sponsoring rink hockey referees in England and supporting the CRHR in its work. Without referees, we would not be able to play our wonderful sport so we are pleased to be able to help through our sponsorship. All official referees clothing will be available through our site


The Chairman of the CRHR, Karl Wilson, was very pleased to have these two great sponsors involved:
"Having people like Chris and Arran involved, who have been heavily involved in the refereeing side of the sport for 3 years is great. Chris' knowledge has helped lots of referees and hopefully this sponsorship will help further improve all referees. As part of the RINKit sponsorship, Arran will be managing the sales of our new CRHR uniform, as well as other referee items."

Reappointment of The England National Coaching Director

The National Rink Hockey Association of England Limited is delighted to announce the reappointment of Carlos Amaral as National Coaching Director, until 31 August 2024.

Carlos Amaral England National Coaching Director

Carlos Amaral England National Coaching Director

Since taking on the initial role in 2016, Carlos has done a fantastic job for the sport and we believe that this expanded arrangement will enable us to build on his accomplishments to further improve the sport in England, particularly the quality of coaching at club level.